Concurrent with 53rd Anniversary of Champion, Gholamreza Takhti:

Takhti’s Official Will Undergo Restoration

Takhti’s Official Will Undergo Restoration
The 53rd Anniversary of Gholamreza Takhti, the prominent Iranian honor in Wrestling, gathered the officials together over his tomb and his will was delivered to Iran National Sport Olympic Paralympic Museum after professional restoration.

Iran NOC; Tehran: Concurrent with the anniversary of the establishment of the National Museum of Sports, Olympic, Paralympic; Babak Takhti, the son of Gholamreza Takhti, donated the will of the deceased to the Museum, which was unveiled for the first time.

This will, suffering from serious damages to the extent that it was not readable over underwent restoration in some parts. The full text of this will was first published by the National Museum of Sports, Olympics, Paralympics, duly.

This measure which was taken in cooperation with Iran National Museum enjoyed the presence of Dr. Nokande, Director of the National Museum and NOC Officials. Dr. Nokandeh, expressing satisfaction with the establishment of the National Museum of Sports, addressed the museum to be one of the tops in Iran in terms of popularity and public acceptance, and considered the restoration of the late Takhti's will as the first restored work of the National Museum of Sports being done in collaboration with the National Museum.

The Director of the National Museum of Iran welcomed the contract with the only sports museum in the country and offered suggestions to make it more productive.

Dr. Mohsen Mir, the Director of the National Museum of Sports, highlighted the measures taken to expand the activities of the museum and gave detailed information in this field: “The long-standing desire of the sports community came true with the efforts of Dr. Salehi Amiri so as to remain in the historical memory of the people. In this regard, we are trying to bring this museum to a real place that is worthy of Iranian sports”.

Jan 9, 2021 16:03

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