NOC Secretary General: No restrictions for Sadaf Khademi to return Iran / Competing in Paris not related to Boxing Federation

NOC Secretary General: No restrictions for Sadaf Khademi to return Iran / Competing in Paris not related to Boxing Federation

While denying the rumors about the ban on Sadaf Khademi to enter Iran, the I. R. Iran NOC Secretary General and EB Spokesman, announced that she has no restrictions to return home.
 Shahrokh Shahnazi continued, “Contrary to the rumors, Sadaf Khademi, the Iranian female boxer, has participated in the Paris Boxing tournaments individually and independently with no coordination with the Iran Boxing Federation.
Khademi can return Iran without facing any problem.”
At the end, Shahnazi emphasized that the Iran National Olympic Committee admits the athlete’s rights of citizenship in Iran, and fully respects her rights.

Apr 19, 2019 23:35

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