The Oral History Council of Iran was formed through its National Olympic Committee

The Oral History Council of Iran was formed through its National Olympic Committee

Regarding the importance of preserving, maintaining and promoting values, implicit experiences of sportand basic principles of the Olympic movement among the various classes of society, especially young athletes of the country, with the request and support of the president of theIran National Olympic Committee, the Oral History Planning Council of Iran in was formed.

Oral History of Sport is a method of collecting historical information of sport through interviewing with knowledgeable, role-playing and eyewitnesses which describes and identifies of events of contemporary sports history in various fields based on the views, listening, activists and the performance of eyewitnesses.

The main theme of the project includes collecting, compilation and adjustment of the values, history, places, administrative, social and cultural developments, educational and research activities of Iran's sport, with emphasis on the lives of sports pioneers and events at the three level national, region, and international

Tasks of the Council:

- Approving the oral history method of Iranian sports and correcting it as needed;

- Review, modify, approve or reject project execution projects;

- Approval of the costs of implementing any plan;

- Determine the priorities of the implementation of the plan;

- Designate project supervisor.

The council members include the president, vice president, secretary general, treasurer and number of directors of the National Olympic Committee, as well as a number of historians, documentaries, writers and academic professors.

So far, several formal meetings have been set up, the Council's regulations have been set and plans have been prioritized.

Priorities include:

1.     Iranian elite athletes& Olympians (Olympic & Paralympic) with an emphasis on the ages

2.     Iran Sports Pioneers

3.     Women athlete

4.     Role players in sports

5.     Subject matter


Currently, the RFP forms are ready and notification has been made


Sep 11, 2018 13:01

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